Thursday, April 16, 2015

Blog Post #11

Chris Christie on 2016: "My wife and I have not made this decision yet"

     The infamous Chris Christie has made a statement in an interview with the Today show that he's considering running in the 2016 election. He stated that "It is absolutely the truth that Mary Pat and I have not made this decision yet." He's considering the impact it would have on his marriage and children, along with the fact that he doesn't know if it's the best position for him. If he were to run, it would obviously be difficult for him considering his "traffic scandal". He also made a statement on Clinton saying that she needed to "earn" the Democratic nomination because people are very critical of them.
    This relates to our Government class because it discusses the executive branch, the process of running for president, and the effect of the media. I think running for president would not be in Christie's favor. If the email scandal was so detrimental to the progression of Clinton's campaign, then the traffic scandal would be devastating for Christie. I honestly don't know if he would've been an effective leader for our nation but either way, he'd never make it because of all the negative publicity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I think this relates to our government class, and running might not be the best decision for him.
