Thursday, April 9, 2015

Blog Post #10

"Video Shows Officer Michael Slager Shooting Unarmed Black Man In the Back In South Carolina"

     Tuesday morning in Charleston, SC officer Michael Slagger shot and killed Walter Scott. A passerby recorded the whole event on his phone. Slagger shot Scott eight times in the back as he attempted to run from the officer. It isn't clear if he died immediately or not as no one checked his pulse or attempted CPR despite the officers claims of checking (the video shows contradicts many of the things the officer reported). The confrontation began when Wilson was pulled over for a busted tail light, Scott then fled by foot because of family court related warrants and was chased into a lot where he was then tasered and shot. The cop claimed he "felt threatened" to justify his actions.
     This relates to Government because it discusses the corruption of our legal system and our local and federal governments response to the continuing discrimination of the African-American community. This was obviously a discriminatory act. It's sad how often events very similar to this happen and that the word of the police officer isn't being taken in this case only because there's a video proving he completely lied about what happened. Nearly everything the officer reported happening is contradicted in the video such as his claims of performing CPR and firing because he "feared for his life" when Scott supposedly stole his taser from him. In addition to him lying in his report, he planted what appears to be the taser or possibly a gun beside Scotts body, it still has not been confirmed which it was. Police Brutality and discrimination is inexcusable and measures need to be taken ro prevent this needless discriminatory violence. There are more black citizens in Canada than in Missouri alone only one black person was killed by police last year in Canada, if they can have such low rates why can't we? African Americans are 3x more likely to be killed by police than whites are. There's a problem with these statistics and something needs to change


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