Thursday, March 19, 2015

Blog Post #8

"Obama: Maybe it's Time for Mandatory Voting"

     When asked how to offset the influence of big money in politics, Obama suggested making voting mandatory. He explained that a majority of non-voters are American youth, uneducated, and or minorities. He suggested that this "would counteract money more than anything". Aside from the impact it would have on big money in politics, our country has one of the lowest voter turn outs, less then 27%. The article mentions it could have cons but doesn't really specify.

     This relates to government because it involves executive powers and our right to vote (or not vote). I don't know if our government actually has the power to make voting mandatory because it isn't really specified in any amendments. I also think that it's not really too far-fetched, there would be many benefits like a stronger voice for minorities and youth, and more political involvement from everyday citizens. Only 37% of eligible voters actually vote every year and i think we would have a much different turn out if all eligible voters participated, so I would have to say i agree with this idea.

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