Thursday, February 12, 2015

Blog Post #1

The Three Slayings of Michael Brown
   “The Three Slayings of Michael Brown” discusses the controversial topic of the shooting of unarmed black males,specifically Michael Brown. The article is written by a man who is very knowledgable on the subject and discusses it humanly yet still on a political level. He talks about the treatment of Michael Brown by officials before and after his murder. He explains how he was essentially “killed three times”. The first time was his physical murder, the second time was when police officials started “a loud, long, and vicious blame the victim campaign. They held press conferences, leaked documents, and orchestrated a well-oiled press campaign to depict Brown as having gang ties, smoked dope, dealt dope, had an arrest record, was a school troublemaker, and engaged in every kind of deviant behavior. They capped that by waving pictures to the national press that purported to show Brown robbing a convenience store moments before he was gunned down.” The third killing of Brown was when Darren Wilson was not indicted. 
           This relates to our government class because it involves corruption, something we have discussed before. I think the article made great points and was very well written. I completely agree with the author. Racism has, and will continue to be a controversial topic, Some think that racism has completely ended. Statistics and everyday life show that racism still continues to be a problem.

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